Greetings, Folkies,
OK, OK, I hear all of you who have weighed in, asking me to resume occasional folk blog entries. I will do so as my hectic life permits. Please make special note of the Santa Fe event on Jan. 31, details below.
Well, Folk Wedding #12 happened on November 15, 2008. More on that later. First, I want to highly recommend two folk music CDs that were released in 2008. One is Notorious’s new CD Elkins that I have listened to repeatedly. It is, quite frankly, phenomenal. Notorious played at Folkmadness a few years ago and features Eden MacAdam-Somer on fiddle and Larry Unger, tunemeister, on guitar and banjo. Sam Bartlett and Mark Hellenberg join them on their new CD. Info about ordering is at (you can either order off or from Larry directly; they probably make more money if you order directly from them).
The other CD is the Privy Tippers’ Straddling the Muffin-Biscuit Line. The CD even features an original tune by Rob Pine, who lives in Sandia Park, NM, and includes southern and Quebecois tunes. Very fun! The Tippers will play at Folkmadness 2009, but if you can’t wait that long, you can order CDs by contacting Dave Firestine at: CDs are $15.00 plus $2 shipping & handling.
Corrales Sing, Friday, January 2
January’s theme is Food & Drink (postponed from last fall), wassailing allowed too. Each participant in the circle may lead a song, do a solo, request a song, or pass. Bring enthusiasm, songbooks, instruments, beverages/snacks, kids, and friends.
Contact: Laurie McPherson 898-6978
Email: or
114 Coronado Road, Corrales, 87048
(Directions: From the intersection of Alameda and Coors, go 1.8 miles north on Corrales Road. Pass the Chevron station, go several blocks. Just past the Horseman’s Supply store, turn left on Coronado Road. Post office is too far. They’re the second house on the right, come in past the barns to park.)
Albuquerque Contra Dance, Saturday, January 3
Called by Artie Walsh with Dan Levenson, special guest musician, and friends playing. 7:30 – 10:30 p.m., newcomers class at 7 p.m. Dance Studio, 4217 San Mateo Boulevard NE Albuquerque, NM. Bring clean dance shoes. No shoes with nails or that leave black scuff marks, please. $7 members, $8 others, students 1/2 price with ID.
Durango Contra Dance, Saturday, January 3
Location: American Legion 878 E. 2nd Ave (enter from 9th Street)
6:00 – community potluck that is open to all. Bring a dish to share.
7:00 – beginner dance instruction
7:30 – Contra Dance with caller Paul Bendt and the Kitchen Jam Band, both of Durango
All dances are taught and called. No partner is necessary, and dancers of all ages and abilities are welcome. Admission is $10. First-timers get a pass to come back for free. Season passes will be on sale for $99, which covers 11 dances and one free guest admission. Pay for a year of dances at once, support the Contra Dance, and get free stuff!! For further information, call 970-385-9292, or see the website
Albuquerque Concert, Sunday, January 4
Southwest Pickers PRESENTS DAN LEVENSON in concert
Dan plays a variety of old-time fiddle and banjo tunes and is a founding member of the Boiled Buzzards. For more information, visit: Or contact Judy at Dan’s last concert in Albuquerque drew a packed house, so come on down and pack the house again!
Santa Fe Contra Dance, Sat., January 10
Richard Wilson calling with Karina and Della playing. This dance will ROCK! 7:30 p.m. -10:30 p.m., IOOF Hall, 1125 Cerrillos Rd. Instruction at 7:00 p.m. $7 members, $8 others, students 1/2 price with ID. (You can ride the train to and from Albuquerque to Santa Fe now; has details and schedules.)
Second Sunday Dance, January 11
Kit French calling elegant English and zesty contras; One Good Turn playing. 7:00 – 9:30 p.m., Heights Community Center, 823 Buena Vista SE (1 block east of University, south of Lead/Coal). Bring clean dance shoes. No shoes with nails or that leave black scuff marks, please. $7 members, $8 others, students 1/2 price with ID.
Albuquerque Megaband Practice, Tuesday, January 13
Join the Megaband in a jam in its current location at O’Niell’s Pub, Banquet Room, 4310 Central Ave SE (Central at Washington in East Nob Hill), 7:00-10:00 p.m. More info: Bruce Thomson, 277-4729. (We just ate there last night and it was YUMMY!)
Las Cruces Contra Dance, Friday, January 16
Lonnie Ludeman and Lewis Land calling with SNMMDS Band playing. January ONLY: San Andres High School gym, located on main Highway 28 in Mesilla, next to the new Mesilla Town Hall and Visitors Center, and a short 5 blocks east of where we normally dance all the rest of the year (newly renovated stage, lights, floor — cool look). Park in back or at the Visitors Center. For info, contact 575-522-1691. 7:30 p.m. beginner lessons & dance to follow to 10:30 p.m., Cost: $5
Albuquerque Contra Dance, Saturday, January 17
Donna Howell calling and the Albuquerque Megaband playing. 7:30 – 10:30 p.m., acoustic jam at 6:30 p.m. and newcomers class at 7 p.m. Heights Community Center, 823 Buena Vista SE (1 block east of University, south of Lead/Coal). Bring clean dance shoes. No shoes with nails or that leave black scuff marks, please. $7 members, $8 others, students 1/2 price with ID.
Taos Contra Dance, Saturday, January 17
Dance at the San Geronimo Lodge, at 7: 00 and wind down at 10:00. Call 776-1580 with questions about the dance.
Santa Fe Contra Dance, Saturday, January 24
Katherine Bueler calling with Bo y Yo (I’m guessing this is Gary Papenhagen on fiddle and Bo Olcott on guitar) playing. 7:30 p.m. -10:30 p.m., IOOF Hall, 1125 Cerrillos Rd. Instruction at 7:00 p.m. $7 members, $8 others, students 1/2 price with ID.
5th Saturday Concert and Dance, Jan. 31, Santa Fe
featuring Round Mountain
Concert with Round Mountain — Char and Robby Rothschild — followed by a dance, where they will join forces with Della O’Keefe and Karina Wilson. Will McDonald calling. Don’t miss this special event!
7:30-10-30 p.m.
Odd Fellows Hall, Santa Fe
$8, $7 for Members
Robert Burns Dinner, Sat., January 31, ABQ
Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North, (5151 San Francisco Road, N.E.)
Cocktails 5:00 pm, Dinner 6:30 pm
The St. Andrew Scottish Society of New Mexico invites everyone to
attend the annual Robert Burns Dinner! There will be a nice dinner,
silent auction, and lots of Scottish entertainment — piping, singing,
dancing, poetry, and of course, the Haggis!
Tickets: $55 adults; $30 children
Contact Don Baker at 301-8990 or for ticket information.
This & That
Save the dates: 17th Annual Folkmadness Music and Dance Camp, Socorro, NM, May 22-25, 2009. Kathy Anderson and Scott Higgs calling English, contras, and squares. Bag O’Tricks from Seattle and Privy Tippers from Tucson playing. Nils Fredland leading singing. We keep thinking our camps can’t get any better, but then they do!
Local folkies make youtube: Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, or otherwise, I hope you enjoy this youtube video as much as I did. It features Ken Keppeler and Jeanie McLerie of Bayou Seco fame playing an original tune in Santa Fe (plus Tesuque’s own Barbara Blankenship on triangle and possibly Miguel Combs on accordion). The Railrunner train cooperates perfectly (and totally coincidentally) at the end.
More Folkmads videos on youtube: Jim Boros, Folkmads’ own videographer, has posted myriad music and dance videos at
AMP Concerts Form Non-Profit Organization
Neal Copperman founded AMP concerts that began with a series of house concerts and has expanded to host the ¡Globalquerque! World Music Festival and concerts all over town. This year he obtained 501(c)(3) status to help with fundraising and other projects. Some of us are charter members.
AMP concerts host many fantastic musicians. Upcoming artists include Sam Bush, Joan Baez, Boulder Acoustic Society, the Bills (a personal favorite of mine), and more that don’t start with the letter B. Here is a partial list of concerts in 2009:
Jan 18: Sam Bush Band, The Band of Heathens – KiMo Theatre
Jan 19: The Band of Heathens – The Cooperage
Jan 29: Adrian Legg – The Cooperage
Feb 13: John McCutcheon – South Broadway Cultural Center
Feb 14: John McCutcheon Family Show – South Broadway Cultural Center
Feb 22: Joan Baez – National Hispanic Cultural Center
Mar 5: California Guitar Trio – The Cooperage
Mar 20: Boulder Acoustic Society – The Cooperage
Apr 11: Bruce Cockburn – KiMo Theatre
Sept 3: The Bills/Marc Atkinson Trio – South Broadway Cultural Center
Full details at
Oh yeah, I forgot to say who Folk Couple #12 was. Here they are…….
Dancers Kit French and Mary Beath wed, officiated by Judge Merri November 15, 2008 [Photo by Will Ruggles]
The New Mexico Folk Music and Dance Society (FOLKMADS) has gone to an all-electronic newsletter and calendar to save paper and postage. You can ask to continue to receive the paper version though, if you prefer it. But folks who are nostalgic for paper newsletters have the option of printing the “mailed version,” as well. There’s a link to a PDF file in the online newsletter. The calendar can be printed in old-school style, too, from a link at the bottom of the online calendar. Visit for details.
Happy New Year to All,
Merri Rudd
Albuquerque, NM