
Read Merri’s latest Folk E-News (upcoming Folk events).

Dances & Dance Communities

  1. FolkMADS
    New Mexico Folk Music & Dance
  2. MegaLinks!
    FOLKMADS’ awesome list of southwestern and national music & dance web pages
  3. TFTM
    Tucson Friends of Traditional Music
  4. Contra Dance Links
    National database of dance communities, festivals, callers, and bands
  5. Colorado Dances – Info on dances and camps in Colorado
  6. CDSS
    Country Dance & Song Society, a national nonprofit organization that promotes traditional music and dance

Calls & Callers

  1. Michael Dyck’s Contradance Index – a searchable database of 100’s of dances.
  2. Dance Videos on the Web – links to lots of Bob Green’s contra, English, Morris, and square dance videos. An amazing resource for callers and dancers!
  3. Joseph Pimentel – a great caller’s web site.
  4. Ted Crane’s Dance Database – search DanceDB for dances, bands, and people by state.


Mother Solstice’s Tale (a western version of a Mummer’s Play)

Please contact Merri at merridancing @ gmail .com (had trouble with spammers, so you’ll have to type the address. Thanks!)

Around the Dance-osphere