The 100 or so musicans and dancers who attended last night’s music and dance party at the Heights know what a fine, festive, food-filled and fun-filled evening it was. Merri called her favorite dances over the past 15 years, including Karen & Greg Tie the Knot, Trip to Phan Reel, M.A.D. About Dancing, and Chuck the Budgie. Ken Cooper called two dances, which allowed Merri to dance with her hubby Mark. The Megaband added the old-time versions of Jingle Bells, Deck the Halls, and We Wish You a Merry Christmas (did you know it was a waltz?!) to their repertoire. We still had two lines of dancers at the end of the night, and many of them were seen smiling all evening in their holiday finery. A smorgasbord of food and drinks lined the entire wall of the other room.
We would love for you to share your music and dance memories (recent or distant), thoughts, good wishes, stories, and/or reflections about last night, etc. by posting a comment on this blog entry (scroll to bottom of this post to comment). To you who shared food and drinks, played rowdy dance tunes, danced beautifully, cheered enthusiastically at each announcement, and recorded the event, THANK YOU! from all your hosts and hostesses: Merri, Melissa, Lew, Bob, Nancy, Ken, Michele, Kelly and Gina.
For those who were unable to attend, here are the anniversaries and occasions we celebrated:
Merri Rudd, 15th anniversary as a caller (called her first whole dance on December 7, 1991 at Lloyd Shaw with Megaband playing).
Melissa Wilson & Lew Suber, 15th anniversary as a couple. (Their 2nd date was at that 1st dance Merri called. Melissa, who was the caller scheduler at that time, hired Merri.)
Here’s Melissa & Lew dancing on December 16th
Bob & Nancy Ford, 15th wedding anniversary is Dec. 31, 2006, and Merri forgot to mention this last night, so sorry! Bob’s been our ace sound guy for years.
Michele Von Boeck & Ken Cooper eloped during our thrift store prom at the 14th annual FolkMADness Camp in Socorro on May 28, 2006. Merri officiated.
Kelly Kellstedt & Gina Jenner eloped the next evening, May 29, 2006, in Anita Shenkman’s backyard, Eva Ceskava officiating.
Karen & Greg, the 1st folk couple to be married by Merri; Michele & Ken; Merri; Gina & Kelly
Honoring the Award-Winning Megaband, who has played for our dances for free for 30 years. We gave them “awards,” which we hope they can wear for years to come. Fiddler Jane Phillips helped Merri figure out all their names.
Megaband members making merry music!
Honorees’ hand-crafted “awards”
It was also Dennis Vik’s birthday on December 17. He is only slightly older than 15.
That’s my brief report on the evening. Look forward to reading folkies’ comments on this blog!
Merri Rudd
We’re sorry that we were late in arriving but other Xmas obligations got in the way. At least Bob and I made it in time for the last 3 dances and the waltz and a bit of leftover food goodies. Thanks for the creative badges.
Linda Starr
Someone at the dance took my jacket (a black hooded polarfleece) and left theirs (a black polarfleece without a hood but with cloth on shoulders and sleeves). Please call me-281-1198-if it was you and let’s exchange jackets!
T’was a great dance, but the “cure for the clap” didn’t seem to work. Oh well, let’s keep the Petronella’s coming.
20 years ago we moved to New Mexico and I learned of the NMFolkMADS, and joined the board as Secretary (Scott was also on the board at that time). I went to my first ContraDance ever sometime during that summer of 1986. I have not been as avid a dancer as I’d like to have been in the meantime, but really enjoy the dances and dancers when I do get to the dances. Of course the best part is dancing to live music with great callers!!
Ken and I had a GREAT time! Thanks to all who came and celebrated with us and a BIG THANKS to the Mega-Band who played so beautifully for us.
Merry Yule to all,