No matter what your religious belief, here’s a feel-good animated holiday song for you… I’m dreaming of a white Christmas…. http://badaboo.free.fr/merryxmas.swf
Howdy, Folkies,
As the winter solstice approaches, go forth into the dark to play, sing, dance and laugh. December has many events to entice you in between holiday feasting. And several winter dance camps are available for your enjoyment (see end of blog entry for more info).
Albuquerque Contra Dance, Saturday, December 1
Marj Mullany calling and Nabobs playing festive dance tunes (Jim Mullany and Rob Pine on fiddle and guitar, Tom Christensen on banjo). 7:30 – 10:30 p.m., acoustic jam at 6:30 p.m. and newcomers class at 7 p.m. Heights Community Center, 823 Buena Vista SE (1 block east of University, south of Lead/Coal). Bring clean dance shoes. No shoes with nails or that leave black scuff marks, please. $6 members, $7 others.
Durango Contra Dance, December 1
Contra Dance, to be held at the VFW Hall (1550 Main Ave., Durango, CO). Merri Rudd from Albuquerque, NM will call the dance. Live music will be provided by Albuquerque’s Adobe Brothers. Beginner instruction is at 7:00 p.m. Dancing is from 7:30 to 10:30. All dances are taught and called. No partner is necessary, and dancers of all ages and abilities are welcome. Admission is $10. First-time get a pass to come back for free. For further information, call 970-259-6820 or visit http://groups.google.com/group/Durango-Contra-Dances
Santa Fe Concert, Sat., December 1
Music from the Mediterranean, Balkans and Middle East
at Gig Performance Space, 1808 Second St., Suite H
8:00pm, $10-15 donation.
Radio Free Bassanda! brings a wide range of repertoire and
instrumentation to their performances. Their use of both eastern and
western instruments affords them a broad timbral palette with which to
weave their sound pictures. Energetic and complex rhythms challenge the
ear and the feet! Roger Landes: Arabic Oud (lute), Arabic Buzuq, Turkish Lavta, Irish Bouzouki, Greek Laouto; Ben Wright: Double Bass; Mark Dudrow: Cello; with special guest Nakul Deshpande: (percussion) Arabic Dumbeq, Turkish Darabukka, Persian Zarb. For more information contact: Roger Landes (575)751-3512, rwlandes@taosnet.com
Old Time Music Circle, Albuquerque, Sun., December 2
Come jam from 2-4 PM at the Covenant Presbyterian Church, 9315 Candelaria NE, Albuquerque, NM. There will be 2 groups playing in 2 separate rooms. Bluegrass music will be in the front room (entry room) and Old Time music will be in the west room (where concerts are held). Email Judy Muldawer at inquiry@siliconheights.com for more details.
Albuquerque Concert, Thursday, December 6
Boulder Acoustic Society at Windchime Champagne Gallery
518 Central Avenue SW, 7:30 PM
$15 advance, $20 day of show.
You loved ’em in June at the Albuquerque Folk Festival. Maybe you went again to their house concert at Gretchen and Steve’s in August. If not, you get a THIRD chance to hear Boulder Acoustic Society, a four-piece band with a new take on American roots music. The members of BAS are accomplished multi-instrumentalists who captivate audiences with guitar, fiddle, string bass, marimba, ukulele, percussion, banjo and mandolin. Their deep respect for tradition, passion for innovation and intriguing instrumentation creates a remarkable and memorable listening experience. The music is modern and accessible, subtle yet virtuosic, and serious yet light-hearted. BAS is known all over North America for their genre-blending song writing, amazing improvisation and intimate, personal vocals. www.abqmusic.com has ticket info.
Corrales Sing, Friday, December 7
FOLK SONG CIRCLE. Newcomers welcome! They’ll sing songs about CAROLS AND GRATITUDE.
Each participant in the circle may lead a song, do a solo, request a song, or pass. Bring enthusiasm, songbooks, instruments, beverages/snacks, kids, and friends.
Contact: Laurie McPherson 898-6978
Email: lauriemcpherson@hotmail.com or lmcpherson@salud.unm.edu
114 Coronado Road, Corrales, 87048
(Directions: From the intersection of Alameda and Coors, go 1.8 miles north on Corrales Road. Pass the Chevron station, go several blocks. Just past the Horseman’s Supply store, turn left on Coronado Road. Post office is too far. They’re the second house on the right, come in past the barns to park.)
Las Cruces Contra Dance, Friday, December 7
Lewis Land and Lonnie Ludeman calling this Holiday Contra Dance with featured band BRIAN & AMY & HIGHWAY 27, a lively, toe-tapping, dance-driving sound. Remember, this is the only dance in December, next dance is Jan 18, so don’t miss this one. Dress up in something sparkly, fun. Bring cookies or sweets if you have been baking or some healthy snacks.
Location: La Mesilla Community Center, 2251 Calle de Santiago, Mesilla NM. It’s actually the adjacent town of Mesilla, and hall is 2 blocks west of the plaza. For info, contact 505-522-1691.
7:30 p.m. beginner lessons & dance to follow to 10:30 p.m., Cost: $5
Santa Fe Contra Dance, Saturday, December 8
Artie Walsh calling with holiday tunes by Santa Fe’s own Fast Pesos. 8 p.m. -11 p.m., IOOF Hall, 1125 Cerrillos Rd. Instruction at 7:30 p.m. $6 members, $7 others. Dance Committee Meeting at 6 p.m. at the hall.
Second Sunday Dance, December 9
Merri Rudd and Kris Jensen calling elegant English and zesty contras; One Good Turn (Gary Papenhagen on fiddle with other assorted friends) playing. 7:00 – 9:30 p.m., Heights Community Center, 823 Buena Vista SE (1 block east of University, south of Lead/Coal). Bring clean dance shoes. No shoes with nails or that leave black scuff marks, please. $6 members, $7 others.
Albuquerque Concert, Sunday, December 9
Jeff Scroggins & Fresh Horses, 7 p.m.
Covenant Presbyterian Church, 9315 Candelaria Road NE
Presented by The Southwest Traditional & Bluegrass Music Association
$12.00 adults, $10.00 for Southwest Pickers Members, Kids Under 16 Free
Tickets available at the door. For more information visit Jeff Scroggins and Fresh Horses on MySpace at http://www.myspace.com/jeffscrogginsfreshhorses or The Southwest Pickers Website at http://www.SouthwestPickers.com/
Albuquerque Megaband Practice, Tuesday, December 11
Join the Megaband in a jam in its current location at Wild Oats, 11015 Menaul NE, Albuquerque, 7:30-10:30 p.m. More info: Bruce Thomson, 277-4729.
AMP Concert, Albuq., Wed., December 12
Marc Cohn with Amy Correia
El Rey Theater, 624 Central Ave SW
7 PM, 21 and over
Tickets are $28 advance, $35 day of show.
Singer/songwriter/pianist Marc Cohn burst onto the scene in 1991 on the heels of one of the most personal, resonant songs to make the Top 40 in the past 20 years, “Walking In Memphis.” The song’s remarkable power to move listeners while eluding precise explanation is a hallmark of the highest songwriting art and, just as remarkably, it was a monster hit that abides on radio playlists to this day. The Best New Artist Grammy for 1991 followed in its wake, along with two other albums, The Rainy Season and Burning the Daze. Cohn will be touring in support of his first new studio album in 9 years, Join the Parade.
Albuquerque Contra Dance, Saturday, December 15
Katherine Bueler calling and the Albuquerque Megaband playing. 7:30 – 10:30 p.m., acoustic jam at 6:30 p.m. and newcomers class at 7 p.m. Heights Community Center, 823 Buena Vista SE (1 block east of University, south of Lead/Coal). Bring clean dance shoes. No shoes with nails or that leave black scuff marks, please. $6 members, $7 others.
Annual Taos Holiday Ball, Saturday, December 15
The Ball will open this Saturday, December 15, at the San Geronimo
Lodge, at 7: 00 and wind down at 10:30. Dancers to arrive in Fancy Dress. And once again, Taos being Taos, the rule is, “Consult your Fancy and follow it” — so long as you honor the occasion. The admission price is $8 per dancer, or $15 per couple. Richard Wilson of Santa Fe will lead the dancing, and Taos’ own talented and dedicated Musicians of the Taos Contraband will provide music. The Grand March will start just after 8:00 Call 776-1580 with any questions about the dance.
Santa Fe Contra Dance, Saturday, December 22
Richard Wilson calling, Santa Fe Megaband playing holiday dance tunes. Dance 8 p.m. -11 p.m., IOOF Hall, 1125 Cerrillos Rd. Instruction at 7:30 p.m. $6 members, $7 others.
Fifth Saturday Dance, Albuquerque, December 29
Rock n’ Roll Dance, Kris Jensen calling, Movin’ Henry Band playing. 7:30 – 10:30 p.m., acoustic jam at 6:30 p.m. and newcomers class at 7 p.m. Heights Community Center, 823 Buena Vista SE (1 block east of University, south of Lead/Coal). Bring clean dance shoes. No shoes with nails or that leave black scuff marks, please. $6 members, $7 others. Details at http://www.folkmads.org/nov_dec_newsletter07.html (scroll down to last page).
This & That
Folkmadness 2008 has now locked in all of its fantastic talent. MARK your calendar to be in Socorro, NM May 23-26, 2008. I could leak the info here, but don’t want to spoil the surprise. Watch www.folkmads.org and your Jan./Feb. 2008 FOLKMADS mailing for details. (Lonnie and Julie better come to this one; we are way behind in hearts matches!)
2007 Boo Camp videos can be viewed on youtube:
Some fine Gene Hubert dances are available online. I blogged about it at: http://merridancing.com/wp/2007/11/gene-hubert-dances/
Richard Wilson’s in Arizona: Cottonwood Caper Contra Fest, January 18-20, 2008, 7:00 pm Friday through 3:00 pm Sunday. First ever Cottonwood Caper Contra Fest will take place at the old Cottonwood Community Center on Main Street, old town Cottonwood, with its slightly off-kilter hardwood floor. Three popular Arizona contra dance bands will play: the Privy Tippers and Round the House, both Tucson bands, and Updraft from Flagstaff. Callers will be Richard Wilson (NM) and Arizona’s own Deb Comly and Claire Zucker. Cost is $65, which includes one meal. Location: Cottonwood Community Center, Old Town Main Street, Cottonwood, Arizona. Cost: $65 for the weekend of dancing. For information, contact Judy Norman, judy.norman@juno.com or telephone 1-623-979-4875.
Bare Necessities English Country Dance Weekend in Oklahoma City, OK, Feb. 8-9, 2008 is FULL with a waiting list started. Eight of us New Mexicans made it in, and we’ll post a report in February.
Colorado’s Stellar Days and Nights Camp, Feb. 21-24, 2008 in beautiful Buena Vista, CO is still accepting dancers. You can join the bunch of NM dancers who have already signed up to cheer on New Mexico’s Merri Rudd and Hands Five, as well as nationally known Notorious (Eden MacAdam-Somer and Larry Unger) AND to eat gourmet meals prepared by Annie Johnston (she’s why Merri took the gig, among other reasons!). Visit http://www.stellardaysandnights.org/ for details.
Happy Holidays to All,
Merri Rudd
Albuquerque, NM