Hello, Folkies,
Well, well, well, there was a lot of activity on my new blog. Hundreds of you have checked it out. Thanks! Most people like the blog, except for the few who had trouble browsing it. I will cut and paste this post into an email for those who preferred email (sorry you won’t get photos, formatting or graphics). Many of you want both, an email reminder to check the blog, so I will continue to do that.
Number one complaint last month was not about switching to the blog. It was about there being twenty extra women at the Albuquerque January dances and being instructed to “look deep into the eyes” of their partner and flirt. Apparently, most women think this is more fun if they are looking at an actual guy instead of a woman dancing as a guy. So, guys, listen up: come dance with us! And consider bringing another dancing guy with you. One of the women did report that she went to the El Rey on January 28 and “danced every Wagogo dance except the first dance — two hours of continuous dancing – her kind of dancing!”
Of course, as soon as I type this, I can imagine what will happen at the next dance–the guys will show up, and the women, discouraged over lack of partners the last few times, will not. So here’s the solution: everybody come dance in Albuquerque this Saturday just to see what happens! I have actually run into three guys who plan to dance this Saturday, and they weren’t at the last dance. So maybe they’re starting a trend.
Corrales Sing, Friday, February 3
FOLK SONG CIRCLE. There will be a Valentine-ish theme of Seduction/Careless Love/Bawdy Songs. Bawdy songs only makes it onto the theme roster every few years, so if you know some good naughty ones this is your big chance.
Each participant in the circle may lead a song, do a solo, request a song, or pass. Bring enthusiasm, songbooks, instruments, beverages/snacks, kids, and friends.
Contact: Laurie McPherson 898-6978
Email: lauriemcpherson@hotmail.com or lmcpherson@salud.unm.edu
114 Coronado Road, Corrales, 87048
(Directions: From the intersection of Alameda and Coors, go 1.8 miles north on Corrales Road. Pass the Chevron station, go several blocks. Just past the Horseman?s Supply store, turn left on Coronado Road. Post office is too far. They?re the second house on the right, come in past the barns to park.)
Albuquerque Contra Dance, Saturday, February 4
Merri Rudd calling the contra dance to Hands Five’s tunes. 8-11 p.m., acoustic jam at 7 p.m.; newcomers class at 7:30. Albuquerque Square Dance Center, 4909 Hawkins NE, one full block west of I-25 and 1/2 block north of Ellison. See www.asdc.org for directions. $5 members, $6 others.
Dance Twice in Albuquerque on February 4
Kris Jensen is calling a square dance to recorded music for everyone earlier that day. She purposely scheduled it for the afternoon, so it doesn’t conflict with the FolkMADS dance (yeah, Kris!!!).
Special Fun Dance – A square dance for everyone called by Kris Jensen.
Saturday, February 4, 2006, from 1:30 – 3:30 pm
Albuquerque Square Dance Center, 4909 Hawkins NE, Albuquerque.
For more info (and coupons for free admission), see http://www.dancenewmexico.org
You could dance, then go eat at one of the many restaurants at I-25 and Jefferson (or the Cracker Barrel, yum), then come back for the contra dance.
If You Can't Dance, Listen to Ruthie & Eric on February 4
Albuquerque concert is SOLD OUT!! Eric Bibb & Ruthie Foster in concert at S. Broadway Cultural Center. Eric’s sings “stripped down acoustic blues that quietly rock the soul” and Foster sings a remarkable blend of blues, gospel, roots and folk music rich with honest spirituality and emotion. You’ll have to pick another town, Farmington, Clovis or Alamosa, CO during the next week if you want to go. Visit www.ruthiefoster.com or www.ericbibb.com for details.
Durango, Colorado Dance, February 4
Albuquerque’s band Hey! is playing for the Feb. 4th contra in Durango, that’s being held in conjunction with Snowdown, their annual winter festival. The festival’s theme this year is “disco,” so the contra is similarly themed, with a disco costume and dance contest. Wendy Graham’s calling. Snowdown event website.
Bosque House Concert, Albuquerque, Feb. 5, Sunday
February 5, Sunday, 6:30 p.m. (it could be sold out, so email before you show up)
Bosque House Concert #83 featuring Annie Gallup
Beat Poet Songwriter and “spoke folk” artist Annie Gallup’s writing is unabashedly imaginative and richly sensual. She is a teller of short, elaborate tales?song-length works of fiction that sparkle with the complexity and polish of poetry; tightly packed lyrical strands that crackle with intelligence and spry wordplay, and pulse with insistent rhythm. Dirty Linen wrote, “She sounds like the musical daughter of Joni Mitchell and Lou Reed, simultaneously confident and vulnerable, a practiced storyteller and poet whose stream-of-consciousness narratives of strange but vivid characters share space with diamond-cut confessional vignettes of off-center and sometimes reckless romances.”
$12 suggested donation. Reservations required.
For reservations, contact Jeff at abqmusic@att.net or use the on-line reservation system.
Santa Fe Contra Dance, Saturday, February 11
Check out the Contra Dance in Santa Fe, Saturday, February 11. The beloved Lausanne Allen of Taos via Vermont is calling, The Love Buzzards (Miguel Combs on fiddle and accordian, Cary Stickney on banjo, Ted Seely on bass, Scott Mathis on mandolin, Linda Askew on guitar) are playing. 8 p.m. -11 p.m., IOOF Hall, 1125 Cerrillos Rd. $5 members, $6 others. Instruction at 7:30 p.m.
Second Sunday Dance, February 12
Noralyn Parsons and Kris Jensen will call elegant English country and zesty contra dances; music by Cloud 9 (oh, boy! Gemma DeRagon on fiddle, Mark Sardella on guitar, even though it’s during the legislative session, Michael Blackwell on flute and bodhran); 7:00 – 9:30 p.m., Dance Studio in Albuquerque at 4217 San Mateo NE, 1 block south of Montgomery on the west side of the San Mateo between Auto Zone and Bank of the West (across from Grandy’s). Park directly behind the studio on west side in gated area or along San Mateo to avoid vehicle break-ins. Do not park behind Auto Zone. Bring clean dance shoes. No shoes with nails or that leave black scuff marks, please. Clean dance shoes and tennis shoes OK. $6 admission.
Albuquerque Megaband Practice on Valentine's Day
Join the Megaband on Tuesday, February 14, at the Blue Dragon, 1517 Girard NE, Albuquerque, 7:30-10:30 p.m. Bring your sweeties, and maybe they’ll play some rowdy but romantic old-time tunes. More info: Bruce Thomson, 277-4729.
Klezmer Mania February 17-19
February 17th through February 19th ? President?s Day weekend
You don’t have to be Jewish to love Klezmer music. This year’s featured performers/teachers: Adrianne Greenbaum, Margot Leverett, Steve Weintraub.
Schedule of Events include Yiddish and Eastern European dance classes, Klezmer music workshops and two concert/dance parties. Location: Nahalat Shalom, 3606 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque.
Phone: (505) 343-8227, E-mail: nahalatshalom@earthlink.net
WEB: www.nahalatshalom.org — Click on ?Klezmerquerque 2006?
Beth Cohen, E-mail: cohenedmunds@netzero.net Ph: (505) 243-6276
This & That
Folkmadness Camp: You should have received a FOLKMADness camp flyer and registration form in the mail if you’re a FOLKMADS member, or find them at dance tables, or on the web at www.folkmads.org. Now all you have to do is send the registration form in! This 14th annual camp’s lineup of guest callers, singer, and musicians is sterling. Mark your calendars for May 26-29, 2006, Socorro, NM. The waffle machine and ice cream scoops await you!
Remember the Santa Fe Concert Venue
GiG is Santa Fe’s non-profit performance space. GiG is located at 1808 Second St. The suggested donation is $7 to $10. All shows are at 8 PM. Check out www.gigsantafe.com for more details about each week’s artists and listen to their music samples at the Listen link! This music is updated weekly, so please check back often.
If you have folk music and/or dance events for me to list for the 2nd half of February, let me know by February 15th. I’m waiting to hear from Las Cruces, Taos and AMP concerts re: February events. In the meantime, I’m off to Las Cruces for the Ruthie Foster concert. Read about it on my full blog: www.merridancing.com/wp
Merri Rudd