Welcome to the new folk enews format. Let me know if you like this arrangement. The last enews had two incorrect links (so sorry): for the Maryland dance camp in April 2006 and the sterling Roger Landes review in the Irish Times (scroll to the bottom of that page).
Las Cruces Contra Dance, Friday, Jan. 20
Lonnie, Lewis and Cynthia will be giving the introductory lessons, briefly teaching each dance and calling with music provided by the SNMMDS HOUSE BAND. 7:30-10:30 pm. Mesilla Park Community Church, 3101 South Main Street, Las Cruces. Teaching contra basics at 7:30 pm. Cost $4. 522-1691 for more info. Directions: Exit I-10 142 at University, turn LEFT (west) onto University, turn LEFT (south) onto South Main Street (at the light under the freeway), go 2 blocks south & look for address.
Albuquerque Contra Dance, Saturday, Jan. 21
Donna Howell is calling and Megaband is playing. 8-11 p.m., acoustic jam at 7 p.m.; newcomers class at 7:30. Albuquerque Square Dance Center, 4909 Hawkins NE, one full block west of I-25 and 1/2 block north of Ellison. See www.asdc.org for directions. $5 members, $6 others.
FOLKMADS Board Meeting, Sat., Jan. 21, 4-6 p.m.
Board meeting is at Scott and Linda’s house, 1116 Columbia NE, Albuquerque. All are welcome! Here are some AGENDA items for Saturday’s meeting:
Discussion of Recording Motions and Secondary Discussions
Review Previous Meeting Notes
Treasurer’s Report
Adding New Board Members (Linda Askew and Jane Phillips)
Albuq Dance Committee Report
Santa Fe Dance Committee Report
Taos Dance Committee Report
Formation of Committee to Review “Practices and Procedures”
Status of Heights Community Center
Dance Venues for March-June
Concert Committee
CD Project Update
Retreat Ideas
Albuquerque Folk Festival
Status of Membership Directory
Dance Camp
Webmaster’s Report
Taos Contra Dance, Saturday, Jan. 21
Next contra dance will be at the Community Center (the old school, across from the Parish Hall on Ski Valley Road) Saturday, Nov. 19. Time: 7:30 p.m. Lausanne Allen will be calling and I think Taos musicians will be playing. Bring somebody new to the dance, and they will get in FREE. $5 others, I think. Music and dancing begin at 7:30. So mark your calendars and get your dancing shoes and muscles ready! That’s 7:30 at the Arroyo Seco Community Center in Arroyo Seco, Saturday Jan. 21.
4th Sunday Contra Dance, Albuq., Jan. 22
Artie Walsh and friends calling, One Good Turn (here’s your chance to hear ’em, Gary Papenhagen on fiddle, Peter on guitar, Lou Blackwell on bass; not sure who else will play this night) playing. 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Lloyd Shaw Dance Center, 5506 Coal SE (2 blocks south of Central, 1.5 blocks east of San Mateo). $5 all. Call Artie for more info: 332-3737 (new number!).
Albuquerque AMP Upcoming Concerts
Schedule and details available at www.abqmusic.com
Jan 19: Bosque House Concerts Night of Chanteuses
featuring Marianne Dissard and Emilie Marchand
Jan 21: Greg Brown – Lobo Theater (SOLD OUT)
Jan 28: An AMP Dance Party with Lura and Wagogo – El Rey Theater
Feb 3: Po’ Girl – Puccini’s Golden West Saloon
Feb 5: A Bosque House Concert featuring Annie Gallup
4th Santa Fe Contra Dance, Saturday, Jan. 28
Contra Dance in Santa Fe happens Saturday, Jan. 28, 8 p.m. -11 p.m., IOOF Hall, 1125 Cerrillos Rd., Lewis Land of Las Cruces calling (making his Santa Fe debut), and Roaring Jelly playing. $5 members, $6 others. Instruction at 7:30 p.m.
Terrible Decision in Albuquerque: Concert or Dance on Sat., Feb. 4?!
You’re going to have to pick one on Saturday, Feb. 4: Merri Rudd calling the contra dance to Hands Five’s tunes. 8-11 p.m., acoustic jam at 7 p.m.; newcomers class at 7:30. Albuquerque Square Dance Center, 4909 Hawkins NE, one full block west of I-25 and 1/2 block north of Ellison. See www.asdc.org for directions. $5 members, $6 others. OR…………..
Eric Bibb & Ruthie Foster in concert at S. Broadway Cultural Center. Eric’s sings “stripped down acoustic blues that quietly rock the soul” and Foster sings a remarkable blend of blues, gospel, roots and folk music rich with honest spirituality and emotion. www.cabq.gov for more info. If I weren’t calling, I’d be at the concert! OR…………….
You could do both by driving to Las Cruces on Feb. 2 for the Ruthie Foster & Eric Bibb concert, 8 pm, ASNMSU Cultural Series. NMSU Music Recital Hall (on N side of horseshoe). Tickets box office Pan Am Center, $12.30. Ruthie sings gutsy gospel, folk. Eric is a blues balladeer, folk blues, gospel. Read more on internet: http://panam.nmsu.edu/culturalseries0405.html or info 505-646-1420. Hmmm, now there’s an idea. Lonnie & Julie, can we stay with you?
Durango Dance, Feb. 4
Albuquerque’s band Hey! is playing for the Feb. 4th contra in Durango, that’s being held in conjunction with Snowdown, their annual winter festival. The festival’s theme this year is “disco,” so the contra is similarly themed, with a disco costume and dance contest. Wendy Graham’s calling. Snowdown event website.
This & That
A woman in the east mountains (outside Albuquerque) wants to find folks with whom to get together to sing and jam. Here is her contact info: suelew14@msn.com Susan Snyder Sponar, 505-286-1674. Please get in touch with her if you have contacts or advice.
Remember that www.folkmads.org has calendars and info on FOLKMADS events. FolkMadness Camp registration for Memorial Day weekend is open! Don’t miss this smashing combination of contra, English country and waltz workshops with some of the nation’s finest dance musicians and leaders. Let me know of events to list for February by January 31.
Merri Rudd
Albuquerque, NM